Tuition-Free Bible School

Free Bachelor of Biblical Studies

Is it possible to study for a Free Bachelor of Biblical Studies online? In the past I wrote an article about ways to study for a Free Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies. Since then, this article has consistently been in the top 10 most read articles on my personal blog.

This clearly shows that there is a great need for good, high-quality, free theological education. It seems lot’s of people are looking for a way to study online for free. Especially if money is tight or if you are unable to attend a physical Bible school or college, studying online is a great option.

Most online courses do not offer a diploma or degree program for free. Many of them have hidden fees or are Diploma Mills. These courses have no added value, you learn virtually nothing and the diploma or degree they offer is not worth the paper they are printed on. Many of them hand out degrees that are simply illegal.

Bachelor of Biblical Studies

A Bachelor of Biblical Studies is a study program that requires (at least) 120 credits. It is a study that takes a lot of time, energy and often a lot of money.

— “The Bachelor of Biblical Studies (BBS) is an undergraduate academic degree offering a comprehensive curriculum in the different aspects of the Bible including the Old Testament, New Testament and Gospels.” (Wikipedia)

There is almost no free Bachelor of Biblical Studies anywhere to be found. However, there are some exceptions! Global Baptist Bible College is one of them. The college offers an online program for the Bachelor of Biblical Studies and the program is completely free.

— “Only students based outside the USA can earn a Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree through Global Baptist Bible College. Students based in the USA can study to further their spiritual growth, but are not eligible to earn a degree. Instead, they are encouraged to visit the website of our sister school – Master’s Baptist College which is an in-person, tuition-free Bible College.”

The Global Baptist Bible College (GBBC) offers a free English Bible College. It’s a 3-Year, Online, On-Demand video based Bible school, allowing you to study at your own pace and you can earn a 3-year “Bachelor of Biblical Studies” degree online at GBBC. The program for the Bachelor of Biblical Studies at GBBC is not accredited. Just like many other Bible schools, like the IFEBS. However, remember that you don’t have to pay a lot of tuition at GBBC, and at many (online) non-accredited Bible schools you do!

Credit transfer
If you are working to get a Bachelor of Biblical Studies, you must complete all of the courses offered. There is no option to transfer credits to GBBC.

King James translation
The GBBC uses the King James translation for the course materials. The advantage of the KJV translation is that it is available everywhere for free online. The disadvantage is that the language of the KJV is sometimes very old-fashioned. I have no problem with that myself. In addition, we have a translation in the Netherlands that is based on the same source texts (StatenVertaling), which I can read well.

Free Bachelor of Biblical Studies at GBBC
The program offered at GBBC doesn’t allow you to take exames without studying their lessons, so there’s no “fast track”. It doesn’t allow credit transfer, nor does it give credits for work or life experience.

The Global Baptist Bible College can be found at:

IFEBS is here to help you get free, quality, biblical education. We believe there are many other websites and institutes that also offer this. That is why we share them with you if we come across such an institute online. Find more online training at our Free Bible Training page.

Author: IFEBS Staff

Chairman Stichting B.T.O. Yarah, webmaster IFEBS. Biblical Studies Certificate (Moody Bible Institute) Christian Ministry Certificate (Christian Leaders Institute)

Free Diploma of Biblical Studies

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